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File: toastui/src/js/ui/shape.js

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  Classes of Mark de Leon   PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint   toastui/src/js/ui/shape.js   Download  
File: toastui/src/js/ui/shape.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint
Web interface to scan printed documents
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 6,139 bytes


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import Colorpicker from './tools/colorpicker'; import Range from './tools/range'; import Submenu from './submenuBase'; import templateHtml from './template/submenu/shape'; import {toInteger} from '../util'; import {defaultShapeStrokeValus} from '../consts'; const SHAPE_DEFAULT_OPTION = { stroke: '#ffbb3b', fill: '', strokeWidth: 3 }; /** * Shape ui class * @class * @ignore */ class Shape extends Submenu { constructor(subMenuElement, {locale, iconStyle, menuBarPosition}) { super(subMenuElement, { locale, name: 'shape', iconStyle, menuBarPosition, templateHtml }); this.type = null; this.options = SHAPE_DEFAULT_OPTION; this._els = { shapeSelectButton: this.selector('#tie-shape-button'), shapeColorButton: this.selector('#tie-shape-color-button'), strokeRange: new Range(this.selector('#tie-stroke-range'), defaultShapeStrokeValus), strokeRangeValue: this.selector('#tie-stroke-range-value'), fillColorpicker: new Colorpicker(this.selector('#tie-color-fill'), '', this.toggleDirection), strokeColorpicker: new Colorpicker(this.selector('#tie-color-stroke'), '#ffbb3b', this.toggleDirection) }; this.colorPickerControls.push(this._els.fillColorpicker); this.colorPickerControls.push(this._els.strokeColorpicker); } /** * Add event for shape * @param {Object} actions - actions for shape * @param {Function} actions.changeShape - change shape mode * @param {Function} actions.setDrawingShape - set dreawing shape */ addEvent(actions) { this.actions = actions; this._els.shapeSelectButton.addEventListener('click', this._changeShapeHandler.bind(this)); this._els.strokeRange.on('change', this._changeStrokeRangeHandler.bind(this)); this._els.fillColorpicker.on('change', this._changeFillColorHandler.bind(this)); this._els.strokeColorpicker.on('change', this._changeStrokeColorHandler.bind(this)); this._els.fillColorpicker.on('changeShow', this.colorPickerChangeShow.bind(this)); this._els.strokeColorpicker.on('changeShow', this.colorPickerChangeShow.bind(this)); this._els.strokeRangeValue.value = this._els.strokeRange.value; this._els.strokeRangeValue.setAttribute('readonly', true); } /** * Set Shape status * @param {Object} options - options of shape status * @param {string} strokeWidth - stroke width * @param {string} strokeColor - stroke color * @param {string} fillColor - fill color */ setShapeStatus({strokeWidth, strokeColor, fillColor}) { this._els.strokeRange.value = strokeWidth; this._els.strokeRange.trigger('change'); this._els.strokeColorpicker.color = strokeColor; this._els.fillColorpicker.color = fillColor; this.options.stroke = strokeColor; this.options.fill = fillColor; this.options.strokeWidth = strokeWidth; } /** * Executed when the menu starts. */ changeStartMode() { this.actions.stopDrawingMode(); } /** * Returns the menu to its default state. */ changeStandbyMode() { this.type = null; this.actions.changeSelectableAll(true); this._els.shapeSelectButton.classList.remove('circle'); this._els.shapeSelectButton.classList.remove('triangle'); this._els.shapeSelectButton.classList.remove('rect'); } /** * set range stroke max value * @param {number} maxValue - expect max value for change */ setMaxStrokeValue(maxValue) { let strokeMaxValue = maxValue; if (strokeMaxValue <= 0) { strokeMaxValue = defaultShapeStrokeValus.max; } this._els.strokeRange.max = strokeMaxValue; } /** * Set stroke value * @param {number} value - expect value for strokeRange change */ setStrokeValue(value) { this._els.strokeRange.value = value; this._els.strokeRange.trigger('change'); } /** * Get stroke value * @returns {number} - stroke range value */ getStrokeValue() { return this._els.strokeRange.value; } /** * Change icon color * @param {object} event - add button event object * @private */ _changeShapeHandler(event) { const button ='.tui-image-editor-button'); if (button) { this.actions.stopDrawingMode(); this.actions.discardSelection(); const shapeType = this.getButtonType(button, ['circle', 'triangle', 'rect']); if (this.type === shapeType) { this.changeStandbyMode(); return; } this.changeStandbyMode(); this.type = shapeType; event.currentTarget.classList.add(shapeType); this.actions.changeSelectableAll(false); this.actions.modeChange('shape'); } } /** * Change stroke range * @param {number} value - stroke range value * @private */ _changeStrokeRangeHandler(value) { this.options.strokeWidth = toInteger(value); this._els.strokeRangeValue.value = toInteger(value); this.actions.changeShape({ strokeWidth: value }); this.actions.setDrawingShape(this.type, this.options); } /** * Change shape color * @param {string} color - fill color * @private */ _changeFillColorHandler(color) { color = color || 'transparent'; this.options.fill = color; this.actions.changeShape({ fill: color }); } /** * Change shape stroke color * @param {string} color - fill color * @private */ _changeStrokeColorHandler(color) { color = color || 'transparent'; this.options.stroke = color; this.actions.changeShape({ stroke: color }); } } export default Shape;