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File: adv_wdt.php

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File: adv_wdt.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Main class for watchdog
Class: adv_wdt
Track changes of pages in a MySQL database
Author: By
Last change: Fixing one function - cron
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 6,073 bytes


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// ==============================================================================
// File name : adv_wdt.php
// Version : 2011-05-07
// Author : Tomasz Malewski -
// License : BSD without greetings.
// Briefing : A Website Watchdog scanning webpage without RSS for update.

class adv_wdt {

adv_wdt() {
$this->margin=0; // during insert put margin , then during diff checking if length exceed percentage length change is valid
$this->mailto=''; // during insert put mailto field in table, then e-mail notificaiton out when diff true
$this->diffupdate= true; // during diff checking update table with last seend values
$this->diffchecksum= false; // during diff compare checksum too instead of length only
// adv_wdt init function

/* Function curl */
/* classic curl feature it returns page content. It's most compatible solution with bypass for CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION and open_basedir restriction issue */
/* For more advanced curl I suggest use snoppy.class */
function curl($url){
$limit=5; // limit page redirection, 5 is usually enough.
for ($redirect=0; $redirect < $limit; $redirect++){
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); // too buggy in most php.ini with open_basedir restriction.
// echo "<hr>".$redirect.$url.$header; // DEBUG for steps in redirection
$header = curl_exec($ch);
            if (
curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 301 || curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 302){
preg_match('/Location:(.*?)\n/', $header, $matches);
$url = trim(array_pop($matches));
// if 301
else {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
$header = curl_exec($ch);
                return (
// else for 301
// if ($redirect==$limit) break; // no needed anymore
} // redirect
echo " *** Timeout";
// curl

function sql_connect ($sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass, $sqldb, $sqltable,$sqlport=3306 ){
$this->con = mysql_connect($sqlhost.':'.$sqlport, $sqluser, $sqlpass);
$this->sqldatabase = $sqldb; // needed for SQL delete feature
$this->sqltable = $sqltable;
    if( !
mysql_num_rows( mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$sqltable."'"))){
"ADV_WDT: *** Error: Temporary SQL table doesn't exist, check manual for adv_wdt php class to create one.<br>";return false;
// if table exists
return true;

sql_flush () { // delete everything from table !!!
mysql_query ("DELETE FROM `".$this->sqldatabase."`.`".$this->sqltable."` ") or die(mysql_error());
// sqlflush

function sql_addURL ($url) {
$html= $this->curl ($url);
mysql_query ("insert into ".$this->sqltable." (`URL`,`active`,`changed`,checksum,length,margin,create_DT,`mailto`)
                            values ('"
.$url."','1','0','".md5($html)."','".strlen($html)."','0',NOW(),'".$this->mailto."')") or die(mysql_error());
// sql addURL

function sql_delURL ($url) {
mysql_query ("DELETE FROM `".$this->sqldatabase."`.`".$this->sqltable."` WHERE `URL` = '".$url."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
// sqldelURL

function sql_diffURL ($url) {
$sqlq1="select * from ".$this->sqltable." where `URL`='".$url."' and active=1 limit 1";
$sqlq1b=mysql_query($sqlq1) or die(mysql_error());
$sqlq1c = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlq1b)) {
$newhtml = $this->curl ($url);
// $margin = abs ( 100 - round ( (strlen($newhtml) / $sqlq1c[length])*100,0)); // match percentage difference between old & new HTML length
$margin_down = $sqlq1c[length] - round ( $sqlq1c[margin] * $sqlq1c[length]);
$margin_top = $sqlq1c[length] + round ( $sqlq1c[margin] * $sqlq1c[length]);
// if (strlen($newhtml)!=$sqlq1c[length]) { // replace with new line for much easier compare way :
if ( strlen($newhtml) < $margin_down || strlen($newhtml) > $margin_top || ($this->diffchecksum== true && md5($newhtml)!=$sqlq1c[checksum]) ) {
                if (
$this->debug==true) { echo " *** page has changed $margin len: ".$sqlq1c[length].'->'.strlen($newhtml)."<br>";} // DEBUG
                // ADD mailto routine -- defualt commented to avoid mail spam during developing
                // if (strlen($sqlq1c[mailto])>4) { mail ($sqlq1c[mailto],"ADV_WDT: Page Changed ","$url")};
mysql_query("update ".$this->sqltable." set changed=1,update_DT=NOW() where `URL`='".$url."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error()); // last step update record
if ($this->diffupdate== true) {
mysql_query("update ".$this->sqltable." set length='".strlen($newhtml)."',checksum='".md5($newhtml)."' where `URL`='".$url."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error()); // last step update record
} // diffupdate
return true;
// if page changed
mysql_query("update ".$this->sqltable." set changed=0,update_DT=NOW() where `URL`='".$url."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error()); // last step update record
return false;
// else if page changed
} // while sqlq1c
} // sqldiffURL

function sql_diffURLcron() {

$sqlq2="select URL from ".$this->sqltable." where active=1";
$sqlq2b=mysql_query($sqlq2) or die(mysql_error());
$sqlq2c = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlq2b)) {
// print_r ($sqlq2c);
$this->sql_diffURL ($sqlq2c[URL]);
// sql
} // diffURL cron

function sql_activateURL ($url)
mysql_query("update ".$this->sqltable." set active=1,changed=0,update_DT=NOW() where `URL`='".$url."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
// sqlactivateurl

function sql_deactivateURL ($url)
mysql_query("update ".$this->sqltable." set active=0,update_DT=NOW() where `URL`='".$url."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
// sql deactivateurl

} // class adv_wdt
