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File: ext/phady/util/text.zep.c

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File: ext/phady/util/text.zep.c
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Phady Framework
Web application MVC framework based on Phalcon
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 27,300 bytes


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#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "../../ext_config.h" #endif #include <php.h> #include "../../php_ext.h" #include "../../ext.h" #include <Zend/zend_operators.h> #include <Zend/zend_exceptions.h> #include <Zend/zend_interfaces.h> #include "kernel/main.h" #include "kernel/memory.h" #include "kernel/string.h" #include "kernel/operators.h" #include "kernel/concat.h" #include "kernel/fcall.h" #include "ext/spl/spl_exceptions.h" #include "kernel/exception.h" #include "kernel/array.h" #include "kernel/hash.h" #include "kernel/object.h" /** * @class Phady\Util\Text - Util class for text manipulation * * @author Alien Fernández Fuentes <> * @package Util * @copyright (c) 2015 * @version 1.0.0 */ ZEPHIR_INIT_CLASS(Phady_Util_Text) { ZEPHIR_REGISTER_CLASS(Phady\\Util, Text, phady, util_text, phady_util_text_method_entry, 0); zend_declare_class_constant_string(phady_util_text_ce, SL("BACKGROUND_COLOR_DEFAULT"), "#D82EE8" TSRMLS_CC); zend_declare_class_constant_string(phady_util_text_ce, SL("COLOR_DEFAULT"), "#FFFFFF" TSRMLS_CC); zend_declare_class_constant_string(phady_util_text_ce, SL("BREAK_DEFAULT"), "." TSRMLS_CC); zend_declare_class_constant_string(phady_util_text_ce, SL("PAD_DEFAULT"), "..." TSRMLS_CC); return SUCCESS; } /** * @name highlight - Highlight text to display as html * * @param string text Text highlight * @param string query Sub searched string * @param boolean first Whether to search only by First Letter * @param string background_color Background color of the highlighted * @param string color Font color of the highlighted * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, highlight) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_9 = NULL; zend_bool first, _0; zval *text_param = NULL, *query_param = NULL, *first_param = NULL, *background_color_param = NULL, *color_param = NULL, *posResultQuery, *subStrQuery = NULL, *strQuery = NULL, *_1 = NULL, *_2, *_3 = NULL, *_4, *_5 = NULL, _6 = zval_used_for_init, *_8 = NULL, _10, *_11; zval *text = NULL, *query = NULL, *background_color = NULL, *color = NULL, *_7 = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 3, 2, &text_param, &query_param, &first_param, &background_color_param, &color_param); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'text' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(text); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(text); } if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(query_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(query_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'query' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(query_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(query, query_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(query); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(query); } first = zephir_get_boolval(first_param); if (!background_color_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(background_color); ZVAL_STRING(background_color, "#D82EE8", 1); } else { zephir_get_strval(background_color, background_color_param); } if (!color_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(color); ZVAL_STRING(color, "#FFFFFF", 1); } else { zephir_get_strval(color, color_param); } _0 = zephir_is_true(text); if (_0) { _0 = zephir_is_true(query); } if (_0) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_2); zephir_fast_strtolower(_2, text); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_4); zephir_fast_strtolower(_4, query); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(posResultQuery); zephir_fast_strpos(posResultQuery, _2, _4, 0 ); if (first == 0) { if (Z_TYPE_P(posResultQuery) != IS_NULL) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_6); ZVAL_LONG(&_6, zephir_fast_strlen_ev(query)); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(subStrQuery); zephir_substr(subStrQuery, text, zephir_get_intval(posResultQuery), zephir_get_intval(&_6), 0); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_7); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_7, "/", query, "/i"); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_8); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVSVS(_8, "<span style=background:", background_color, ";color:", color, ";border:1px dotted;margin-right:0px><strong>", subStrQuery, "</strong></span>"); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&strQuery, "preg_replace", &_9, 142, _7, _8, text); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(strQuery); ZVAL_STRING(strQuery, "", 1); } } else { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_6); ZVAL_LONG(&_6, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_10); ZVAL_LONG(&_10, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(subStrQuery); zephir_substr(subStrQuery, text, 0 , 1 , 0); if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(posResultQuery, 0)) { ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_7); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVS(_7, "/", query, "/i"); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_8); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_SVSVSVS(_8, "<span style=background:", background_color, ";color:", color, ";border:1px dotted;margin-right:0px><strong>", subStrQuery, "</strong></span>"); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_11); ZVAL_LONG(_11, 1); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&strQuery, "preg_replace", &_9, 142, _7, _8, text, _11); zephir_check_call_status(); } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(strQuery, text); } } } else { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(strQuery, text); } RETURN_CCTOR(strQuery); } /** * @name truncate - Truncate a string * * @param string text - String truncated * @param int limit - limit to truncate * @param string str_break - string to break * @param string pad - filling the end of the string * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, truncate) { int limit; zval *text_param = NULL, *limit_param = NULL, *str_break_param = NULL, *pad_param = NULL, *breakpoint, *trcText = NULL, *_0 = NULL, _1 = zval_used_for_init, *_2 = NULL, _3 = zval_used_for_init, *_4 = NULL; zval *text = NULL, *str_break = NULL, *pad = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 2, &text_param, &limit_param, &str_break_param, &pad_param); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'text' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(text); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(text); } if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(limit_param) != IS_LONG)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'limit' must be a long/integer") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } limit = Z_LVAL_P(limit_param); if (!str_break_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(str_break); ZVAL_STRING(str_break, ".", 1); } else { zephir_get_strval(str_break, str_break_param); } if (!pad_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(pad); ZVAL_STRING(pad, "...", 1); } else { zephir_get_strval(pad, pad_param); } ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(trcText, text); if (limit <= zephir_fast_strlen_ev(text)) { if (str_break && Z_STRLEN_P(str_break)) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_LONG(&_1, limit); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(breakpoint); zephir_fast_strpos(breakpoint, text, str_break, zephir_get_intval(&_1) ); if (!ZEPHIR_IS_FALSE(breakpoint)) { if (ZEPHIR_LT_LONG(breakpoint, ((zephir_fast_strlen_ev(text) - 1)))) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_3); ZVAL_LONG(&_3, 0); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_4); zephir_substr(_4, text, 0 , zephir_get_intval(breakpoint), 0); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(trcText); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VV(trcText, _4, pad); } } } else { ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_1); ZVAL_LONG(&_1, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_3); ZVAL_LONG(&_3, limit); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_4); zephir_substr(_4, text, 0 , zephir_get_intval(&_3), 0); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(trcText); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VV(trcText, _4, pad); } } RETURN_CCTOR(trcText); } /** * @name findAndReplaceUrlTags - Search mail and url and replace the complete url * * @param array text String to replace * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, findAndReplaceUrlTags) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_3 = NULL; zval *text_param = NULL, *sanitate = NULL, *_0 = NULL, *_1 = NULL, *_2 = NULL; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &text_param); if (unlikely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(text_param) != IS_NULL)) { zephir_throw_exception_string(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, SL("Parameter 'text' must be a string") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (likely(Z_TYPE_P(text_param) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); } else { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(text); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(text); } ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(sanitate); zephir_fast_trim(sanitate, text, NULL , ZEPHIR_TRIM_BOTH TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_STRING(_0, "(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(_1, "<a href=0>0</a>", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "preg_replace", &_3, 142, _0, _1, sanitate); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_0); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(sanitate, _2); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_0); ZVAL_STRING(_0, "(((f|ht){1}tps://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(_1, "<a href=0> 0</a>", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "preg_replace", &_3, 142, _0, _1, sanitate); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_0); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(sanitate, _2); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_0); ZVAL_STRING(_0, "/w{3}.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*.[a-z]*.[a-z]*/", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(_1, " 1<a href=http://0>0</a>", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "preg_replace", &_3, 142, _0, _1, sanitate); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_0); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(sanitate, _2); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_0); ZVAL_STRING(_0, "([_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.).[a-z]{2,3})", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(_1, "<a href=mailto: 0> 0</a>", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "preg_replace", &_3, 142, _0, _1, sanitate); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_0); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(sanitate, _2); RETURN_CCTOR(sanitate); } /** * Transform a snake_case string into a camelCase string. * * @param string snake the string to convert * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, snakeToCamel) { zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_7 = NULL, *_10 = NULL; int _1, _2, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zend_bool _0; zval *snake_param = NULL, *pieces, *count, *str = NULL, *i = NULL, *p = NULL, _3 = zval_used_for_init, _4 = zval_used_for_init, *_5 = NULL, *_6 = NULL, _8 = zval_used_for_init, *_9 = NULL, *_11 = NULL; zval *snake = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &snake_param); zephir_get_strval(snake, snake_param); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(pieces); zephir_fast_explode_str(pieces, SL("_"), snake, LONG_MAX TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(count); ZVAL_LONG(count, zephir_fast_count_int(pieces TSRMLS_CC)); if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(count, 1)) { RETURN_CTOR(snake); } ZEPHIR_OBS_VAR(str); zephir_array_fetch_long(&str, pieces, 0, PH_NOISY, "phady/util/text.zep", 131 TSRMLS_CC); _2 = (zephir_get_numberval(count) - 1); _1 = 1; _0 = 0; if (_1 <= _2) { while (1) { if (_0) { _1++; if (!(_1 <= _2)) { break; } } else { _0 = 1; } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(i); ZVAL_LONG(i, _1); ZEPHIR_OBS_NVAR(p); zephir_array_fetch(&p, pieces, i, PH_NOISY, "phady/util/text.zep", 133 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_3); ZVAL_LONG(&_3, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_4); ZVAL_LONG(&_4, 1); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_5); zephir_substr(_5, p, 0 , 1 , 0); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_6, "mb_strtoupper", &_7, 147, _5); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_8); ZVAL_LONG(&_8, 1); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_9, "mb_substr", &_10, 148, p, &_8); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_INIT_LNVAR(_11); ZEPHIR_CONCAT_VVV(_11, str, _6, _9); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(str, _11); } } RETURN_CCTOR(str); } /** * Transform a camelCase string into a snake_case string. * * @param string camel the string to convert * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, camelToSnake) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *camel_param = NULL, *_0, *_1, *_2 = NULL; zval *camel = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &camel_param); zephir_get_strval(camel, camel_param); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_STRING(_0, "/([A-Z])/u", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(_1, "_1", ZEPHIR_TEMP_PARAM_COPY); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "preg_replace", NULL, 142, _0, _1, camel); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_0); zephir_check_temp_parameter(_1); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_FUNCTION("mb_strtolower", NULL, 149, _2); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Transform a text to uppercase. * * @deprecated Use {@link mb_strtoupper} instead. * * @param text the text to transform. * @param encoding the character encoding to use. default is {@link mb_internal_encoding()}. * @return the text in uppercase. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, toUpper) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *text_param = NULL, *encoding = NULL, *enc = NULL; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &text_param, &encoding); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); if (!encoding) { encoding = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (Z_TYPE_P(encoding) == IS_STRING) { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(enc, encoding); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&enc, "mb_internal_encoding", NULL, 144); zephir_check_call_status(); } ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_FUNCTION("mb_strtoupper", NULL, 147, text, enc); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Transform a text to lowercase. * * @deprecated Use {@link mb_strtolower} instead. * * @param text the text to transform. * @param encoding the character encoding to use. default is {@link mb_internal_encoding()}. * @return the text in lowercase. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, toLower) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *text_param = NULL, *encoding = NULL, *enc = NULL; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &text_param, &encoding); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); if (!encoding) { encoding = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (Z_TYPE_P(encoding) == IS_STRING) { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(enc, encoding); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&enc, "mb_internal_encoding", NULL, 144); zephir_check_call_status(); } ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_FUNCTION("mb_strtolower", NULL, 149, text, enc); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Transform all the letters to lowercase and just the first letter of each word to uppercase. * * This method can be replaced by {@code mb_convert_case( "your text here", MB_CASE_TITLE )} when * the {@code exceptions} parameter is not given. * * How to use it: * #( "john von neumann", array( " von " ) ) ==> "John von Neumann" * #( "JOHN VON NEUMANN", array( " von " ) ) ==> "John von Neumann" * #( "maria da silva e castro", array( " da ", " e " ) ) ==> "Maria da Silva e Castro" * * @see {@link commonNameExceptions}. * * @param text text to transform. * @param exceptions array of words to ignore exceptions. * @param encoding the character encoding to use. default is {@link mb_internal_encoding()}. * @return the transformed text. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, upperCaseFirst) { HashTable *_3; HashPosition _2; zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_1 = NULL; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *exceptions = NULL; zval *text_param = NULL, *exceptions_param = NULL, *encoding = NULL, *enc = NULL, *newText = NULL, *e = NULL, _0 = zval_used_for_init, **_4, *_5 = NULL, *_6 = NULL, *_7 = NULL; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 2, &text_param, &exceptions_param, &encoding); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); if (!exceptions_param) { ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(exceptions); array_init(exceptions); } else { zephir_get_arrval(exceptions, exceptions_param); } if (!encoding) { encoding = ZEPHIR_GLOBAL(global_null); } if (Z_TYPE_P(encoding) == IS_STRING) { ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(enc, encoding); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&enc, "mb_internal_encoding", NULL, 144); zephir_check_call_status(); } ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_LONG(&_0, 2); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&newText, "mb_convert_case", &_1, 150, text, &_0, enc); zephir_check_call_status(); if (zephir_fast_count_int(exceptions TSRMLS_CC) < 1) { RETURN_CCTOR(newText); } zephir_is_iterable(exceptions, &_3, &_2, 0, 0, "phady/util/text.zep", 209); for ( ; zephir_hash_get_current_data_ex(_3, (void**) &_4, &_2) == SUCCESS ; zephir_hash_move_forward_ex(_3, &_2) ) { ZEPHIR_GET_HVALUE(e, _4); ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(_5); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_0); ZVAL_LONG(&_0, 2); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_6, "mb_convert_case", &_1, 150, e, &_0, enc); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(_0); ZVAL_LONG(&_0, 1); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_7, "mb_convert_case", &_1, 150, e, &_0, enc); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_fast_str_replace(&_5, _6, _7, newText TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(newText, _5); } RETURN_CCTOR(newText); } /** * Count the instances of needle in the given string * * Why is this function here? PHP has a builtin substr_count() * to do the same. * * @param string haystack The string to search. * @param string needle The needle to search for and count. * * @return integer The numer of instances of needle in string */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, countInstances) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *haystack_param = NULL, *needle_param = NULL; zval *haystack = NULL, *needle = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &haystack_param, &needle_param); zephir_get_strval(haystack, haystack_param); zephir_get_strval(needle, needle_param); ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_FUNCTION("mb_substr_count", NULL, 151, haystack, needle); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Translate html input newlines to <br /> sequences. * * This function is necessary as inputted strings will contain * "\n\r" instead of just "\n". * * @param string text The string to operate on. * * @return string The converted string. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, nl2html) { zval *text_param = NULL, *str = NULL, _0, _1, *_2, _3, _4; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &text_param); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_STRING(&_0, "\n", 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_STRING(&_1, "<br />", 0); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(str); zephir_fast_str_replace(&str, &_0, &_1, text TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(_2); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_3); ZVAL_STRING(&_3, "\r", 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_4); ZVAL_STRING(&_4, "", 0); zephir_fast_str_replace(&_2, &_3, &_4, str TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(str, _2); RETURN_CCTOR(str); } /** * Tokenize a string according to the given parameters. * * This function just wraps explode to provide a more java-similar syntax. * * @param string text The string to tokenize. * @param string delimeter The delimeter to use. * @param int max The maximal number of tokens to generate (optional) (default=999999). * * @return array The token array. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, tokenize) { int max; zval *text_param = NULL, *delimeter_param = NULL, *max_param = NULL, _0; zval *text = NULL, *delimeter = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 1, &text_param, &delimeter_param, &max_param); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); zephir_get_strval(delimeter, delimeter_param); if (!max_param) { max = 999999; } else { max = zephir_get_intval(max_param); } ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_LONG(&_0, max); zephir_fast_explode(return_value, delimeter, text, zephir_get_intval(&_0) TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Case-Insensitive version of strpos (standard only available in PHP 5) * * @param string haystack The string to search. * @param string needle The string to search for. * @param int offset The search start offset position (optional) (default=0). * * @return array The token array. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, stripos) { zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_1 = NULL; int offset, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *haystack_param = NULL, *needle_param = NULL, *offset_param = NULL, *_0 = NULL, *_2 = NULL, _3; zval *haystack = NULL, *needle = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 1, &haystack_param, &needle_param, &offset_param); zephir_get_strval(haystack, haystack_param); zephir_get_strval(needle, needle_param); if (!offset_param) { offset = 0; } else { offset = zephir_get_intval(offset_param); } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_0, "mb_strtoupper", &_1, 147, haystack); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "mb_strtoupper", &_1, 147, needle); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_3); ZVAL_LONG(&_3, offset); ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_FUNCTION("mb_strpos", NULL, 152, _0, _2, &_3); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Returns the left x chars of a string. * * If the string is longer than x, the whole string is returned. * * @param string text The string to operate on. * @param int left The number of chars to return. * * @return string A part of the supplied string. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, left) { int left, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *text_param = NULL, *left_param = NULL, *len = NULL, _0, _1, *_2 = NULL; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &text_param, &left_param); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); if (!left_param) { left = 0; } else { left = zephir_get_intval(left_param); } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&len, "mb_strlen", NULL, 153, text); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(len, left)) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_LONG(&_0, 0); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_LONG(&_1, left); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "mb_substr", NULL, 148, text, &_0, &_1); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_get_strval(text, _2); } RETURN_CTOR(text); } /** * Returns the right x chars of a string. * * If the string is longer than x, the whole string is returned. * * @param string text The string to operate on. * @param integer right The number of chars to return. * * @return string A part of the supplied string. */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, right) { int right, ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *text_param = NULL, *right_param = NULL, *len = NULL, _0, _1, *_2 = NULL; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &text_param, &right_param); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); if (!right_param) { right = 0; } else { right = zephir_get_intval(right_param); } ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&len, "mb_strlen", NULL, 153, text); zephir_check_call_status(); if (ZEPHIR_GT_LONG(len, right)) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_LONG(&_0, (zephir_get_numberval(len) - right)); ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_1); ZVAL_LONG(&_1, right); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_2, "mb_substr", NULL, 148, text, &_0, &_1); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_get_strval(text, _2); } RETURN_CTOR(text); } /** * Timing attack safe string comparison * * @param string knownString The string of known length to compare against * @param string userString The string that the user can control * * @return bool true if the two strings are the same, false otherwise */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, hash_equals) { zephir_fcall_cache_entry *_5 = NULL; zend_bool _0; int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS, _1; zval *knownString, *userString, *knownLength = NULL, *userLength = NULL, *i = NULL, compare = zval_used_for_init, *_2 = NULL, *_3, *_4 = NULL, *_6, *_7 = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &knownString, &userString); if ((zephir_function_exists_ex(SS("hash_equals") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS)) { ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_FUNCTION("hash_equals", NULL, 0, knownString, userString); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } else { if (zephir_fast_strlen_ev(knownString) != zephir_fast_strlen_ev(userString)) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } else { ZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&knownLength, "safestrlen", NULL, 0, knownString); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_CALL_SELF(&userLength, "safestrlen", NULL, 0, userString); zephir_check_call_status(); if (!ZEPHIR_IS_IDENTICAL(userLength, knownLength)) { RETURN_MM_BOOL(0); } ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(compare); ZVAL_LONG(&compare, 0); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(_2, knownLength); _1 = zephir_get_numberval(_2); _0 = 0; if (_1 >= 0) { while (1) { if (_0) { _1--; if (!(_1 >= 0)) { break; } } else { _0 = 1; } ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(i); ZVAL_LONG(i, _1); if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG_IDENTICAL(&compare, 0)) { zephir_array_fetch(&_3, knownString, i, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phady/util/text.zep", 345 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_4, "ord", &_5, 154, _3); zephir_check_call_status(); zephir_array_fetch(&_6, userString, i, PH_NOISY | PH_READONLY, "phady/util/text.zep", 345 TSRMLS_CC); ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&_7, "ord", &_5, 154, _6); zephir_check_call_status(); ZEPHIR_SINIT_NVAR(compare); zephir_bitwise_xor_function(&compare, _4, _7 TSRMLS_CC); } } } RETURN_MM_BOOL(ZEPHIR_IS_LONG_IDENTICAL(&compare, 0)); } } ZEPHIR_MM_RESTORE(); } /** * Compares two strings. * * This method implements a constant-time algorithm to compare strings. * Regardless of the used implementation, it will leak length information. * * @param string knownString The string of known length to compare against * @param string userInput The string that the user can control * * @return bool true if the two strings are the same, false otherwise */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, equals) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *_0 = NULL, *_1 = NULL; zval *knownString = NULL, *userInput = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &knownString, &userInput); ZEPHIR_SEPARATE_PARAM(knownString); ZEPHIR_SEPARATE_PARAM(userInput); if (!(Z_TYPE_P(knownString) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(_0, knownString); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(knownString, _0); } if (!(Z_TYPE_P(userInput) == IS_STRING)) { zephir_get_strval(_1, userInput); ZEPHIR_CPY_WRT(userInput, _1); } ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_SELF("hash_equals", NULL, 0, knownString, userInput); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Returns the number of bytes in a string. * * @param string string The string whose length we wish to obtain * * @return int */ PHP_METHOD(Phady_Util_Text, safeStrlen) { int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *text_param = NULL, *funcExists = NULL, _0; zval *text = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); zephir_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &text_param); zephir_get_strval(text, text_param); ZEPHIR_INIT_VAR(funcExists); ZVAL_NULL(funcExists); if (Z_TYPE_P(funcExists) == IS_NULL) { ZEPHIR_INIT_NVAR(funcExists); ZVAL_BOOL(funcExists, (zephir_function_exists_ex(SS("mb_strlen") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS)); } if (zephir_is_true(funcExists)) { ZEPHIR_SINIT_VAR(_0); ZVAL_STRING(&_0, "8bit", 0); ZEPHIR_RETURN_CALL_FUNCTION("mb_strlen", NULL, 153, text, &_0); zephir_check_call_status(); RETURN_MM(); } RETURN_MM_LONG(zephir_fast_strlen_ev(text)); }